Monday 17 December 2012

Home Based Manufacturing Business - Autoresponder Emails - Nine Tips on How to Use Your Autoresponder For Best Results

A list isn't really a list unless you follow up, " But no. There are plenty of people who think their job is done after they have set up their opt-in form and their "list. But you'd be wrong, you'd think that's obvious. But only if you actually use them. Email autoresponders are great.

Now what? Let's say you have started to get your first subscribers. So what does follow-up look like?

Send them email

But a carefully orchestrated series of autoresponder messages designed to get and keep them engaged -- and to keep wanting to read your emails, and you can't send them just any email. You need to send them email regularly so they won't forget who you are and why they signed up for your list, yes.

Get them engaged

The second one will never happy, that's because if you don't get that part right. But the first one is the more important one, the purpose of sending them email is two-fold.

Build a relationship

Be sure to respond promptly, and if they send you email. And trust you, like, you want them to get to know. But also come across as a real person who cares, send them messages that are useful. You must focus on building a relationship with your subscribers.

Sell them stuff

So do things in order. They're not very likely to buy from you, but keep in mind that unless you have built a relationship with your subscribers. Selling them stuff is the point of why you're blthering with an autoresponder in the first place, sure.

Keep them subscribed

And not just the third one, be sure to do all of these. Preferably at a great price, and you can recommend helpful resources. You can send them the occasional gift. That can happen in several ways: You send them useful information. The easiest way to keep your subscribers happy is to provide value.

Just say no. You'll lose their trust faster than you can hit the "send" button if you send them crappy recommendations. And always make sure that any recommendations you send them are really good ones.

Keep it friendly

But how do you do that? By treating them like a good friend. And how do you do that? So become someone who they like to get mail from. Most people open emails based on who sent them. Remember that you're popping into their overstuffed inbox. Keep it friendly. How do you write to your subscribers?

Write to them directly

" " Write "Hey Julie. Don't write "Hey y'all! Not as a member of the (presumably large) group of subscribers, address them as an individual.

Provide information they want

Give them tips for how they can take it to he next level, next. Check back with them and ask them if they have already used the helpful item you provided, next. Remember why they signed up for your list in the first place and be sure to deliver the goods.

Write the emails as a series

You can stay on top of your "plot" development and avoid overlap or gaps that are too big, that way. Write a series of emails in a sitting or two, to maintain continuity.

Work At Home Information

But some forms of writing can result in making money fairly quickly, not only that. Seeing your name in print no longer depends on an editor's approval. Web writing opens up a lot of opportunities for people who like to write and need to make money.

You can make money online, that means if you have any writing talent at all. Require writing skills, if not all, and most, there are dozens of ways to make money online. Working in their pajamas from their home computer, many people dream of making money online.

Here are five ways to get paid with web writing:

But you may begin to see some money trickling in, you won't get rich from these sites. Another option is writing 100 word abstracts for Brijit. Such as Associated Content and Constant Content, some article sites pay for content. 1) Paid article sites.

You may be able to find assignments writing other people's blogs, if blogging suits you. Blogging for money is a specialized form of web writing. 2) Blogging.

The key to success in article marketing is consistency. You can drive traffic to an affiliate site or blog, by being an article writer who regularly produces articles for directories. 3) Article marketing.

Submit a press release or bid for jobs on sites like elance, you can promote yourself in forums. A lot of webmasters can't (or would rather not) write their own content. All of which need to be frequently filled with new content, the web is full of literally thousands of websites. Promote yourself as a ghostwriter. 4) Ghostwriting.

Longer works can be promoted on clickbank. Special reports that are only 25-30 pages long can be marketed for $5-$7. Then create your own info product, brainstorm what fields you have experience or knowledge in. This is probably the most lucrative way to make money writing for the web. 5) Write your own info product.

Begin exploring the possibilities today. Web writing offers a ton of opportunities, if you need money and like to write.

Home Business Opportunities Online

Pravda' of the RUNET ‘ russian Web 2.0 –

First; komsomolskaya Pravda” and “ sovetsky Sport” i even used to fight with my older brother over who will get “. There was nothing more pleasant than to chomp on a juicy apple and read all the latest news in one pack! Up to 10+ newspapers, all in all, ” sovetsky Sport, “ ” krasnaya Zvezda, “ ” komsomolskaya Pravda, “ ” trud, “ ” pravda, “ ” izvestiya, like “ would bring a freshly printed pack of Soviet newspapers, who worked at a large publishing house, when my mother, i waited with great anticipation for lunch time, since I was seven. I was a lucky kid.

where people could discuss anything and everything at small kitchen tables with the help of vodka and pickles… except discussing it with friends or relatives in their tiny kitchens, people still could not really speak up or relate their opinions to particular events, even then, I saw some unusually critical articles in the Soviet press, only after the genie of glasnost came out of Gorbachev's bottle. The opinions expressed were trimmed to the rules of the reigning Soviet propaganda machine, , komsomolskaya Pravda” to the more relaxed and youthful “ pravda” from the stiff and official “ despite the abundance of styles.

Creating a gigantic Russian salad of opinions and philosophies never tasted before, politicians and critics, journalists, and it quickly gained popularity from mass users, the Internet gave birth to the blogging universe, in the late 90's. Often it was hard to sift through this flow and find some real pearls of genuine truth and compelling critic. Scandals and soap operas, the newly minted democratic Russian media developed in a motley crew of yellow press, in the early Yeltsin era, alas.

In terms of new blogs and everyday notes, rULJ, yet the long-standing #2 blogging site LI is rapidly reaching its main rival. The RULJ proudly recorded 1 million registered users and blogs, 2007, on June 6. Showed that the two most popular services in the Russian Internet (RUNET) are LiveJournal's Russian language community (RULJ) and LiveInternet (LI), 1. The Russian search engine No, the latest research by Yandex. Today Russian blogging services are on their way up.

Analysts believe that by 2008 there will be at least 10 million blogs in the Russian part of the global blogosphere. However the total number of Russian blogs account for only 3% of worldwide blogs, yandex research indicates that the overall growth of the Russian blogging sphere is 74% (41% worldwide). LI's General Director German Klimenko said to CNews that the number of active blogs at LI will exceed LJ by the end of 2007. 000 visitors at RULJ, while there are 600, 000 daily visitors, the gap is still wide: LI has 170, however.

Both blog arenas cover well for their type of audiences, nevertheless. There is a great number of really interesting blogs and boards at RULJ. While the good ol' RULJ crowd is much more content with serious topics and informative content, where at LI bored teenagers spill out their fresh half-thoughts and desires, the big difference is in the quality of content and blogs. Kids are craving for company and socializing, after all. LI's audience is growing faster than that of RULJ, naturally. Is crafted for teenagers and young adults, boasting a kaleidoscope of services, lI. One thing becomes clear immediately: RULJ is definitely more mature and garners an older audience, once you check or register to both. Let's make a quick comparison between LI and RULJ.

Depressed Russians and Football Widows

These are the first three words: This user shared newly coined English language terms that hadn't yet come to Russia; presenteeism” under the topic “. Offered to discuss to the Russian blogging community,, here is what one RULJ user. Means just that; a Russian” little did I know that a new term “! That sounds funny to me; but actually associating Russians with depression –. The first Russians who you see are not smiling and look pretty gloomy, when you are entering the Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport, yes, well.

- people crazy about Apple Macintosh products mac nazi” “

- a woman who believes her husband is dead during football matches football widow” ”

- a person who is constantly in depression and sees the world in black a russian” ”

And there is much more of this new language in there.

160 blogs rated on the Yandex system, 189, there were 2, 2007, yandex regularly publishes its own rating of RUNET's blogs at: As of July 3. How about checking the most popular blogs in Russia, now?

Included: 2007, the top-4 blogs in the Russian Internet on July 4, for example,

Popular music show – star Factory” alexander Jdanov and pictures of the “ – 1.

an illustrated magazine about everything in the world” “ – 2.

Russian writer -- Blog of Leonid Kaganov, 3.

People and fashion animals, mainly various photos of glamour, – 4.

2007 july 3, blogger Services Rating by Yandex,

823 records on July 3 liveInternet 51, •

439 liveJournal 48, •

609 18, •

289 Blogs.Mail.Ru 12, •

935 planet 7, love ♥ •

875 2, •

398 2, •

129 jamango 2, •

2007 july 3, search in blogs by Yandex,

Steve Bloom •

Transformers the game •

Torent •

Timothy and Sobchak •

Harry Potter •

Me and my friends, me, humor, school, hockey, football, pHOTO, films, tests, creativity, tv, poems, links, sport, events, dreams, various, pondering, job, travel, psychology, nature, pranks, pOLITICS, positive, rest, about me, news about life, mood, thoughts aloud, thoughts, mUSIC, my life, my thoughts, people, love, h, lytdybr or ksnls, private, culture, books, cinema, pictures, history, internet, interesting, games, life, lJ, eurovision, friends, dIARY, children, questions, vIDEO, spring, cRAP, popular categories included (most popular are in caps letters): Anime, 2007, on July 3.

Copycats Lure Millions of Users

Social networks quickly went berserk; that secured a real million to its British owner did not spark with the skeptical Russian web-community, one Million Dollar Site” while the copycats of the “. VKontakte and Fakultet are oriented towards students. Mainly from their high schools, odnoklassniki are looking for lost contacts. MoiKrug focuses on professional community. MySpace; (Comby) –; – -- FaceBook;,; – here you are: is a local version of LinkedIn. Ever wondered what the Russian copies of the famous Western blog sites have been? Luckily there is much more that you can find in the Russian blogosphere, however large RULJ and LI communities are.

000 people register on this site daily, some 12, according to VKontakte statistics. And remind you of your friends' birthdays, friends, the site also allows you to search by job contact. Allowing users to add videos to their pages, recently VKontakte announced video, for example. Users praise the site for easy-to-use design and many features similar to Facebook. Yandex and Rambler, right after such giants as, placed VKontakte as the Top-4 Russian site, a leading Web Statistic Portal, recently Alexa ( The latest hit of the Russian Web 2.0 is

In 2007 Habrahabr gained the Project of the Year 2007 and Best Internet Community Awards. Paste news and create personal audio and video programs, write articles, the project allows its users to add blogs. Analysts and various businesses interested in the Internet, journalists, programmers, web-designers, habrahabr's audience include people interested in the Web development and Internet economy. Became successful almost immediately, an analog of,, created in 2006.

There are a few interesting projects covering various social needs, apart from these sites that help to find friends and provide socializing platform.

Supplemented by catchy medical news and success stories, and its main promotion strategy will be using virus marketing via the satisfied pool of first users. The site hopes to get at least one million users, by the end of 2007. And many other things, a sick person can search among users with the same diagnosis and leave a reference about a particular doctor and hospital, among the services which differ from RULJ. Etc, recommending good clinics, finding better drugs and doctors, a social site for people with various illnesses interested in socializing with each other, ), a friend” launched (note that in Russian drug literally means “ recently supported by FINAM holding, according to Habrahabr, for example. helped many Russian teachers involve their students in group projects. The project aimed at educating teachers in using Web 2.0 principles to create a platform for collective educational projects. In 2006 Intel and TransTelecom jointly launched a Web 2.0 project for Russian teachers, as an example. Education is another sphere that is destined to be Web-two-oed.

Cherchez La Femme' a la Russ show Me the Money: ‘

Russian men and women don't mind spending their hard earned rubles, for a chance to find your Cinderella/Jolie or a Super/Spiderman, yes. 52% of these audience are men with higher education and business owners, according to iKS-Consulting. In 2006 web-dating site owners harvested USD 34 million of profits, thus. And this market is growing 70% to 100% annually. Said that some 15 million people use internet dating sites, nikita Sherman, President. Where is the money, so?

Are looking for sponsors and advertisement, like DrugMe and, other businesses, finally. The company owners are trying to both monetize their business and engage their customers in this business. This August the company will issue one million shares (1% of Charter Capital) and distribute among its users. Making their subscribers shareholders, fakultet literally offered each of its users their share in the project, according to CNews. Top managers of chose a different way to monetize their business, however. Selling their businesses to Yandex and Rambler respectively, that's what and did. The easiest way is selling your start-up business and merging with large Russian Web cash cows, popular and useful site, given that you created a unique. Light in the end of Web tunnel; green” yet Web 2.0 site owners also search for the “.

Are you feeling Russian now, so? Russian Web 2.0 is evolving into a very creative and living organism that brings people together and offers great business opportunities to bright entrepreneurs and programmers, one way or another.

Make Money At Home On Your Computer

Although it's difficult to say exactly how much of it is user-created, the vast majority of the content on YouTube is user-provided, currently. YouTube has engaged in talks with Sony Pictures Entertainment and Lions Gate Entertainment Group to offer new movie releases through the site. Google spent a lot of money to buy YouTube and it appears that they are looking for some tangible monetary return on that investment.

The Cartoon Network and Adult Swim, cNN, youTube has recently expanded its offerings to include content from Time Warner. Such as clips from popular shows or stand-up comedy routines, youTube is a popular repository for people wishing to share previously distributed and protected video content.

" "We hope to expand on both our great relationships with movie studios and on the selection and types of videos we offer our community, but did say, would not comment specifically on any talks that were taking place, a spokesman for YouTube, chris Dale.

No other site can claim more than 5% of the market. Controlling over 40% of the market, youTube is far and away the dominant player among video websites.

Part Time Jobs Online

Even more with an extra memory card inserted, carry an ereader anywhere with a supply of about 200 books. These little gadgets are light and are about the size of a paperback. Put away the reading glasses and have text delivered in the size you require. And mark your place with ease, make notations, highlight passages, turn the pages with the touch of a button. The text is downloaded from your computer or delivered digitally with a wireless connection, depending on the model you choose. PDF files or Word documents, magazine subscription, you can also read your favorite newspaper. Classics to best sellers, an E Reader is a portable reading device that can deliver an entire book right to your hands.

They are basically the same type of reader with the exception of two key features. The Sony Reader and the Amazon Kindle, but two stand out in the US market, many companies are jumping on the bandwagon and creating their own version of the ereader.

It is also the lower priced of the two. With it you will need a computer to download material and then transfer to the device via a USB cable or flash drive. The Sony model has been in the market place longer.

But may be worth the extra cash for it's true portability, the more expensive of the two readers described here. You can even preview and read a little of the book before buying. Books arrive through a free wireless network within minutes of placing your order through the device. It is not a mandatory piece of equipment, although you can use a computer to transfer books. (2007) It became scarce around Christmas when Amazon completely sold out of the product. The Kindle is Amazons version and was released only last year.

Like the doctor's office, or anywhere you expect a long wait, on long plane flights, save them all to the device and carry it on vacation. The obvious advantage to owning an ereader is that you can read whatever whenever without having to carry around a stack of books or magazines.

The savings to our local school districts and the preservation of trees would be well worth the cost of a device students can carry with them throughout their academic life and even beyond. Books downloaded from a computer or delivered digitally to the student's device the first day of class. Imagine paperless textbooks for students around the world. The future holds great possibilities.

Sunday 16 December 2012

What You Need To Do To Start A Business

The seller who places the lowest bid will win the job or sell the item. Sellers then place bids for the amount they expect to be paid in order to perform such a service or provide such an item. Buyer makes an advertisement on the need of an item or service, in the case of reverse auction. The person who makes the highest bid usually ends up with the item. Purchaser is allowed to place a bid on an item on the amount that he is willing to pay so that he can buy that item, generally in an auction. And e-auction, e-sourcing, sourcing event, this is also known by many names like procurement auction. Reverse auction deals with internet auction and e-purchasing.

Reverse auction also saves valuable time of buyers. Individuals and companies save from 10 to 40 percent on reverse auction purchases, on average. Certain things like age of the item and quality of the item may be discussed beforehand, if the buyer wants to purchase an item. All these things are discussed at the meeting, budget of the job; the time frame to complete the job, certain things like the materials that are needed to complete the job. Purchaser and seller discuss the requested service, in the meeting. Who is also known as the market maker, it begins with the meeting that takes place between the buyer and the seller. Lot of planning is required when reverse auction takes place on Internet.

It can be defined as specialized auction that allows the organization to procure goods from the sources by featuring decreasing incremental bidding. Reverse auction is a tool available for the procurement in improving its function as well as its effectiveness. Periodical rate contracts and large volume goods, direct materials, applicability of online reverse auctions is for capital goods. And a tool for efficient price discovery complementing the direct negotiation process, dynamic bidding process, benefits of online reverse auction to buyers are it is accessible to a large number of vendors. It ensures savings in marketing costs and distributor margins. Certain benefits on online reverse auction are there is flexibility in pricing decisions. And selection of reverse auctions make them the ideal choice for anyone looking to join the internet auction purchasing revolution, simplicity, savings. Currently more than 20 percent of all business purchases at least some of their supplies or service online. Also buying services and supplies online, as the popularity of online reverse auction has increased.

Monday 10 December 2012

How To Make Money In Your Spare Time - Educational Autoresponders - The Newsletter Substitute?

Just sound flat out uninspiring? Does the idea of committing to having something to say every Wednesday at 8 a.m. Have you balked at the idea of starting a newsletter because you just don't see how you could stick to a regular schedule?

And you just might find an educational autoresponder to be the approach your rebellious streak can put to work. You're not alone, if you've put off launching a newsletter because you simply don't like the idea of being expected to show up in a certain way at a certain time.

What's an Educational Autoresponder?

If you're away on vacation and you set up an automatic message to go out to everyone who emails you, an email autoresponse is any email message that goes out automatically after being triggered--for instance.

It's almost exactly like a newsletter except that you've already written all the messages *before* people sign up and the emails are scheduled to go out automatically at the interval of your choice. A series of emails) that people sign up to receive, more often, an Educational Autoresponder is an email (or.

For example, one each day, you might set up your series to send out 5 email messages, so.

How do you create one?

You might write a series of emails dedicated to five different types of wasps and how to identify each. Let's say that you are promoting a report you've written on identifying different types of insects, so. Narrow it down as tightly as possible, then. Start with your topic, when you're ready to write up your email messages.

It's really important that you keep your topic tightly focused-you want to be able to present a complete and compelling "course" within just a handful of email messages.

But you also want to make sure you don't "give away your crown" by getting in so deep that your new readers won't be able to apply what they're learning, it needs to teach something complete so that readers don't feel strung along. And why people should hire you (or buy your product), what you do, think of your Educational Autoresponder as a sort of Signature Article in five parts-an article that you could easily use to represent who you are.

End each mini-article with an action step or two along with a teaser about the next mini-article or how readers can get in touch with you for support. Your topic is probably too broad) and write each one up as a mini-article, brainstorm the 5-6 components involved in your topic (if there are more than 5-6.

How often should you send the emails?

Do your prospects generally make up their minds quickly or is your product or service something they need to consider at length?

You'll want to leave more time between messages and might send one message every 1-3 weeks, for an industry like consulting where clients tend to take their time making hiring decisions. You'll want to send your messages out in short succession-leaving a gap of 2-4 days between each message, for an industry like real estate where people often choose their agent very quickly.

You'll want to remind the reader when they can expect the next message, in each email message.

How will you send the messages?

Start there, so if your assistant has a preferred program, most assistants these days are trained in setting up these email series, also. Look there first, so if you use a shopping cart, some shopping carts even come with the necessary program built right in. There are lots of great programs out there including 1-2-All and Aweber.

The important thing is to use a program that's designed to send "sequential autoresponder messages" so that you can simply schedule your messages and they'll go out automatically.

And save you from having to think of something new to write on an on-going basis, build a list, it'll keep your name in front of readers on a regular basis. An Educational Autoresponder can be a great compromise, if you've been really struggling with the idea of publishing a newsletter because it just plain feels too scheduled.

How To Make Money Onlin

Yet so many affiliates keep failing, its stupid, this is so simple. This is a quick guide on how you can earn a full time income with affiliate programs without even having a website.

And it just did'nt work because I lost my motivation, i tried to create huge websites filled with content. The biggest reason I failed when I first started online was because I complicated things.

Then advertise it directly with ezines and other simple methods that I will show you, all you have to do is create a free autoresponder series, with this guide.

Select 3 affiliate programs

The criteria to select these programs is a little different than going out and selecting the affiliate with the biggest commission although this does play a role. You will need to select THREE affiliate programs to join, to make this work and not be a one hit wonder.

Then your second affiliate program that you sell could be a "members only" site based on Mini Sites and your third affiliate program could be a service where someone creates a network of Mini sites for your customers, say your first affiliate program is an ebook on Mini Sites, for instance. All the affiliate programs you promote will have to revolve around the same subject, of course.

I will talk more about this later and how the pricing is crucial.

The main aim of this is to really build up your opt-in mailing list. The reason for this is because we want to make a profit on the first affiliate program and by selling any product that does not make you at least $20 per sale you will not profit straight away. Do not accept anything less than 40% commission for your first affiliate program. The first affiliate program you promote will want to be one that pays a larger than normal commission on the first sale.

Then you will be profiting for years to come, and if you have built your list up, breaking even is an amazing result. Don't be discouraged, if you break even.

Choose a product that sells for around $40 to $50 and where you still get at least 40% of the total profits, so for your first affiliate program.

Your second affiliate program you join will be in the category of what we call "Residual Income".

This is one of the best ways of earning a secure pay check every month. You would get around $10 a month for as long as that person stays signed up for the web hosting, and they charged $25 a month, if you were to promote a web hosting company, for example. This is an affiliate program that pays you every month someone stays signed up for their product or service.

That's why I recommend promoting this type of program when you have a large list of names to email to. Even years, these are great programs to promote because all they require is a little hard work up front and you're set for months.

That's all they are good for, don't think if you've advertised to these people once. Of course you will still be promoting your free course to other people but this is a way to make back end sales from your current list.

You should be making $80 to $150 commission per sale, although this type of program will have a lower conversion rate. This program should pay you a large sum of money. Now your third affiliate program will also be a program that you will promote to your current subscriber list.

Visit the website below, now you must promote your three affiliate programs successfully - For a step-by-step guide.

Earn Money Writing Articles - Choose Your Website Affiliate Programs Wisely

Today there are hundred's of affiliate programs available for anyone who has a website or wants to try their hand at Internet marketing and can already make their own websites.

And they want assistance or affiliated persons to help them market their product, a vendor is a producer of a product or someone who has bought the rights to a product. Pick them up and run with them, they have tens of thousands of vendor's products in there just waiting for affiliate marketers to come along. One of the more popular places to go for affiliate programs is ClickBank.

Affiliate marketing increases a vendor's chance of success multiple times in accordance with the number of affiliates he is able to interest in marketing their product.

But if anyone who can make their website doesn't at least give internet marketing a 'go' then they could be missing out on a lot of income. If you can't make your own website then you are probably going to have a long and expensive learning curve ahead of you. Anyone who can design and make their own website is streets ahead of most 'newbie' marketers.

But if you can already do that then all you have to learn is Internet marketing and that is frustrating at times but easier than having to learn the lot. It's a case of learning to appreciate our own achievements, once again. When you can make your own website we tend to forget that not everyone can.

Once you see the value given in there though you could also decide to join the Internet warriors. If this is something that you would like to learn then I strongly recommend that you head on over to the as there are hundred's of learning posts in there that are free to learn from but has just recently become a paid subscription site again.

There are many other places where you could get a website affiliate program from and a good place to always start a search is with Google.

Getting Paid Online - How Much Do Promise Rings Cost

We have provided you a guide in this article from which you will derive a fair idea about the price of different types of promise rings. How much does a promise ring cost when you are buying it for the first time, it's quite obvious to ponder on. Selling products at an affordable price, many brands have come up, with rise in demand of promise rings. They consider gifting promise rings to their loved ones for the purpose of keeping their promise alive. This belief has been perpetuated till today and people have started accepting promise rings in many different forms. Exchanging promise rings was once a tradition confined only to couples going to get married.

Guide to Cost of Promise Rings

The diamond solitaires offered by Sterling Silver are stunning and timeless, it is worth to mention. Sterling Silver's diamond rings have price in the range of US $29.99 to US $69.99. You can purchase their products over online shopping portals at discounted rates. Sterling Silver diamond rings are classy having high clarity and precision. You can either buy from retail outlets or from any of those leading online portals. Buying an expensive promise ring is worth when you are gifting it to your prospective wife or husband. The manufacturing brand determines its cost, the type of metal and of course, the quality and size of the stone, viz, the price of promise rings depends on many factors.

You can make a purchase with less than US $100 also, depending on the type of gemstone used and the material of the ring, thus. Pearl and sapphire, ruby is an expensive gemstone and so is diamond. The price listed by the site 'ourpromiserings' for a 4 mm ruby heart promise ring is US $159, for example. The cost of such rings depends on the value of the gemstone in the market. Another good option is to customize the ring with gemstones or birthstones. A 14k white gold ring is generally priced approximately at US $150 or more. That enamors your fingers quite gorgeously, a silver coating of 6 mm is considerably heavy. Etc, oval, square, circle, crucifix, versatile designs are available in shapes of heart. You can personalize them with a stone of your choice or avail their designs. Wonderful designs within US $100 are offered by JC Penney and Cubic Zirconia.

Addition of precious and semi precious stones to these white gold rhodium pieces enhances their beauty and charm. Two hearts ring and yours truly design, kissing hearts ring, some other designs lying within this price range are. Check collections of LuShae Jewelry to grab those beautiful rings. You need to spend just within the range of US $73.00 to US $130 for purchasing a white gold rhodium ring embedded with five stones of princess cut. Promise rings having vintage princess cuts are much adored by the female folks.

Amazon, this is the price offered by the leading consumer website. $26.50, uS $13.99 and Claddagh Sterling Silver Emerald Crystal Ring, 8 mm Wide Claddagh with 3 mm Heart Celtic Knot 2 mm Wide Band Sterling Silver Ring, uS $8.95; ) Flat Comfort Fit Band Ring Claddagh Pattern. Titanium 9 mm (3/8 in, uS $12.99; 7 mm Wide Claddagh Sterling Silver 4 mm Band Ring, uS $17.48; price of Sterling silver Claddagh heart in hands band ring. We have provided you the approximate price of some rings over here. The classic Celtic designs and Christian rings are considered to be extremely fashionable, traditional designs have revived and with this. You can even opt for promise rings within US $50 as well. The price offered by Amazon and eBay is probably the most reasonable.

Buy a ring that will suit his/her personality and will epitomize the promise that you have so solemnly vowed. Values your sentiments more than money, as the person being gifted with, the price should not be an obstacle for you. You can well reckon the expenses involved in buying a good quality ring, so. I hope this short and crisp guide on rates of promise rings has proven useful to you.